The Miyamoto Lab focuses on the discovery and development of novel biomarkers to guide the personalized treatment of patients with prostate and bladder cancer. We focus on two general classes of biomarkers, namely those based on the molecular profiles of tumor biopsies, and those based on circulating tumors cells (CTCs) in the blood that can be sampled non-invasively and repeatedly. By analyzing these patient-derived biospecimens, we have identified new molecular predictors of response to therapy and potential mechanisms of treatment resistance. Our overall aim is to develop tools for “real-time precision medicine” to probe the molecular signatures of cancers as they evolve over time, and to guide the precise and rational selection of appropriate therapies for each individual patient with prostate or bladder cancer.

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Prostate Cancer
is the most common cancer in men and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men. We discover and develop novel circulating and tissue-based biomarkers to inform clinical decisions in the management of patients with localized and metastatic prostate cancer.
Bladder Cancer
is the fifth most common cancer in the US, causing 18,000 deaths per year. We analyze biospecimens from bladder cancer patients to understand molecular determinants of therapeutic response and discover biomarkers to guide and monitor bladder cancer therapy.
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs)
are rare cancer cells shed into the blood stream. CTCs are a type of “liquid biopsy” that can be used to monitor therapy, predict treatment response, and potentially detect cancer early. We have developed microfluidic technologies to efficiently isolate and analyze rare CTCs from blood.
our mission
Improve patient care
Our ultimate goal is to develop molecular tools to guide the personalized and precision care of cancer patients.
Biological discovery
We analyze patient biospecimens to discover mechanisms of cancer progression and treatment resistance, thereby identifying new biomarkers and therapeutic vulnerabilities.
Technology development
We work closely with bioengineers to develop novel microfluidic technologies to enable complex molecular analyses of cancers.

Our team

our collaborators
Our work
Latest news
Transdifferentiation and Recruitment in the Miyamoto Lab
We wish our departing research technicians the very best of luck in their future endeavors. Erika is starting graduate school as a […]
Welcome New Lab Members!
We welcome four new Miyamoto Lab members: Keisuke who joined us in July 2019, Erika and Jake who joined us in August […]
Blood-Based Monitoring of Prostate Cancer
In the podcast Advances at Mass General Cancer Center, Dr. Miyamoto discusses our recent paper in Cancer Discovery on using a digital […]
Grant from Aid for Cancer Research
The Aid for Cancer Research awarded a grant to Dr. Henning Willers and Dr. David Miyamoto to support their research proposal on […]